We visited the Monroe Institute nearly 10 years ago and it was fascinating! Thanks for the tip on their meditation offerings.

Your "findings" are very encouraging and astute. They match what I've learned but have not as of yet experienced fully.

And yes, I agree. "I" am only as real to you as you make me, and it is the same for all of us. We create ALL of our reality, each of us, through our perception. And somehow all do it together at the same "time" and somehow interconnect on this plane of existence.

All of physical reality is imagery for processes that happen subjectively. THAT is our "true" existence -- energetic beings having a physical experience.

If you are interested in the nuts and bolts, I highly recommend this particular energy exchange with an entity called Elias. It is the most undistorted deep dive I have come across, and it is still occurring presently, going on nearly 30 years. There are audios and transcripts here dating back to 1995, and the information was as clear and undistorted at the beginning as it continues to be now. NOT just another guru or channeler. They are in fact, neither of those things. https://www.eliasweb.org.

I am currently involved in deep-dive trauma work with Elias, and I can say without hyperbole that it is critical work that is preparing me for what's next.

Cheers Daniel!

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Thanks Philip, always appreciate your interest and comments.

Elias looks really interesting, thanks for the heads up, I’ll take a dive.

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